Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change...or should I say Hope...

Throughout the course of one's life, you see many things change. You grow up and move to different schools, elementary to jr. high...jr. high to high school. You parents get new jobs and you end up moving to different towns. You meet new people and reunite with old friends. Unfortunately, things are constantly changing in life. Some for good, some for bad. But most of the time, you just gotta roll with the punches and hope that everything goes like it should. You fall in love, fall out of love, then fall back in love with another person. It's just the way things go. My life has been blessed and cursed with many changes. Most of which I have done the most with. Other things, I wish didn't happen. But as a new part of my life starts with every morning, I look back on old things and realized how different things could be, or how amazingly mundane things could have stayed. So, I've decided to take life how it comes and quit worrying about every little detail. Besides, you only live once right?