Monday, July 27, 2009

Deploying...or Ranger!

In the course of events, you realize that everything happens for a reason. You look at the things that happen and you think "Why did it turn out that way?" "I didn't want it that way!" Or how bout, "That's not how it was supposed to happen!" But what if it was? What if that was exactly how everything was planned? A lot of people don't believe what I believe, but I think that everything does happen for a reason. I think that God has a very clear plan and that he sets things up in order. I wanted to deploy, but I realized it isn't where God wants me to be. After going to drill this weekend, I have realized why that is. I was assigned to the M203 range. I understand that we can't always get practice rounds, but you should at least be able to know how to work what you have been assigned. There were some people on the range this weekend that I was really surprised with. They claim that they haven't fired a M203 in almost 15 years. That's a little ridiculous. I know that you don't always get to fire it, but at least know how to work the stinking thing. In the end, I realize that God had other plans. After the whole time, I got word that I am being considered for Ranger school. The best thing is that, if I get my Ranger tab, I have a better chance getting my dream...Special Forces. Ever since I was a little joe, I watched John Wayne and saw him as a Green Beret. Wow! I want do that. I guess I may actually get a chance...God works in amazing ways.

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